When using a grinder, it is important to know how to set it up and adjust the grind settings properly. This will ensure that your coffee brews up properly and doesn't over oxidize or taste flat.
The trick is to make sure you are using the correct type of grinder for the job at hand and that you're following all the instructions that came with the unit. Some of these are as simple as checking that the blade is the right size, and others involve more complicated techniques such as sizing your grind coarser or finer, and learning how to dial-in your machine.
A Desktop Grinder with a motor sized for the job is going to be a lot heavier than your average handheld grinder, and the weight of the machine can be difficult to control if not properly positioned. That's why it's essential to have a sturdy base and a solid work rest that is adjustable and lockable.
In addition to a sturdy base and work rest, the best accessory for a grinder is a good quality grinding wheel. This will give you the best results while also protecting your hands and wrists from the grit and wear that is associated with frequent use.
The best way to find a high-quality grinding wheel is by asking your local hardware store for recommendations or visiting the manufacturer's website to see what they recommend. They will be able to answer any questions you may have and provide you with the proper product for the job at hand.