The present invention provides a method and apparatus for operating a grinding machine with one or more rotational axes. The apparatus includes a computer attached to each of the first and second rotational axes for controlling the machine during its rotating or grinding operations. The computer preferably has voice prompted and audio command computer software that has self-programming features for running the machine after the entry of certain parameter values and data points.
During the operation of the grinding machine, a workpiece is fed in contact with a rotating abrasive wheel through the grinding attachment mounted on the spindle and chucking fixture. This operation generates rubbing or friction between the workpiece and the abrasive wheel as it rotates. This rubbing removes material from the workpiece, thereby creating a desired finished product.
In another preferred embodiment, a dressing routine is employed for the grinding wheel and regulating roller to true the machine before any rotating or grinding operations are performed. The dressing routine may include the steps of jogging the grinding wheel forward to contact the dressing wheel attachment, and jogging the regulating roller backward to contact the regulating roller attachment.
The preferred embodiment of the present invention is a computer controlled grinding machine that has a very high accuracy of the resulting ground workpieces due to a combination of a computer controlled dressing routine for both the grinding wheel and the regulating roller. This dress routine also incorporates a step of spraying coolant on the workpiece as it is being ground to a desired surface finish.